Which Siding Is Ideal for Older, Historic Homes

Historic homes continue to be appreciated as timeless reminders of how homes were once built, and the care and dedication committed to the smallest details of the exterior. To preserve the beauty of older, historic homes, updates have to be made. One major update that needs to take place to protect the interior of the home is replacing the siding. This can prove complicated for historic property owners due to the controversy surrounding different siding methods. When choosing what siding to work with, you’ll have to consider preserving the aesthetic elements that create the unique look that historic homes are known for. When it’s time to update the siding of your historic home, you’ll want to be mindful of your options.  

Traditionally, historic homes would be re-sided with wood, brick, stone, and other traditional materials, depending on the home’s style, location, and era. These options work, but they also require constant upkeep and can quickly become expensive. This led many historic homeowners to explore other options. The most important thing is maintaining the original look of the home. Today, that is much easier, due to the different materials available that can be customized to mimic a wide variety of styles.  

James Hardie Siding 

One popular option for historic home siding is James Hardie Fiber Cement Siding, also known as Hardie Plank. It has quickly become one of the preferred brands for high-end historic homes throughout the country. Fiber cement is composed of simple ingredients such as cement, sand, water, and cellulose fibers. James Hardie adds propriety additives to enhance overall performance. This is a great option because it is durable against harsh weather in all seasons and climates, and it can mimic the look of wood, stone, and other sidings. It can be customized so that it is historically correct, preserving the look and feel of your historic property. 


Vinyl has long been a popular option for homeowners of new and historic properties. It is affordable, durable, and customizable. Vinyl can maintain the look and feel of your property while elevating the protective nature of your siding. When it comes to historic properties, there is some debate concerning condensation problems. Old homes are notorious for having moisture issues. You’ll want to factor in your home’s existing moisture concerns before deciding if vinyl is ideal for your home or not. For those interested in vinyl, the vinyl shake is perfect for historic homes that want to maintain the look of wood planks. It is a synthetic exterior that looks like genuine wood but is low maintenance and long-lasting.  

Explore Your Siding Options 

Replacing the siding on historic homes doesn’t have to be difficult. The main focus is choosing a material that is durable, long-lasting, and preserves the natural look of the home. Installers should be mindful of trim and other aesthetics that encompass the look and feel of the era in which the home was built. The professionals at Tri-County Windows and Siding can help you determine the perfect siding options for your older home. 

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